Monday, October 22, 2007

Spending spree - Lorna's Laces & a Spinning Wheel!!

We are now carrying Lorna's Laces (I placed the order today...takes something like 6 weeks to get it), just the Shepherd sock yarn for now and if the response is good I will think about ordering from the other lines. mom and I bought a spinning wheel. Neither of us have ever spun before so it should be fun to learn something new this winter. It should be arriving this week and then we'll need to laquer it so it will probably be a couple weeks before were using it. Can't wait:)

Also on the home front, I am starting my Christmas gifts this week. I can't find much time to knit and I am a slow knitter so I'm already worried that I have left my projects too late. My family is easy to please so I'm lucky.

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