Thursday, August 16, 2007

Baby powder anyone???

I was sitting here at my kitchen table (which is beside a window....and said window is open), thinking about my blog and what updates I have. So, I was thinking that I'll tell everyone about all the yarn I am going to be getting over the next couple of weeks and how you should visit to check out the great deals and suddenly my attention is diverted to the beautiful smell in the air. Actually there is a breeze outside and I can feel the wind blowing, because afterall, I am sitting by the open window. I thought the smell is rather strong, but I do have lots of lillies in my garden (not far from the window). But wait......the kids, why are the kids so, that's right, the smell did not come from outside. Yes, the children have the baby powder. Or should I say the children had the baby powder because now it is unevenly spread throughout the living room, on clothes and in the air. Obviously I go to get the vacuum cleaner and clean this up....easy? No. There are these small scratches on the hose of my vacuum and for whatever reason, you can NEVER touch them...repeat....NEVER touch them or you can get a HUGE shock. Ask me why I have never put electrical tape on it....go ahead....ask. I don't know. Go ahead and ask me if I touched THE SPOT....yes I did. It hurt. I'm ok. I only did that twice. I learn quick. I believe there is enough wine in the house to fix it though, and no, I'm not talking about the vacuum, I won't pretend to think that I could find electrical tape around here. So, that's all for now, over and out.
PS I'll post pics of the yarn when it gets colors from Noro's Kureyon, some Jitterbug and some Regia Cotton sock yarn......can't wait.

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