Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Malabrigo Sock Yarn

We have the Malabrigo Sock Yarn in stock. It came in a couple weeks ago but I am just getting around to blogging about it now. Here are a few pictures: caribeno is on the left, in the middle from left to right is Stone Chat, Violeta Africana, Boticelli Red and Arcangel, the picture on the far right (from left to right) is ochre, turner and lettuce.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for carrying this new yarn! It was a joy to see it on your website and I was very happy when my order arrived.

valleyyarn said...

Thanks. If there are other yarns your interested in let me know. I am always looking at new stuff. I have re-ordered the Malabrigo sock but I am not sure how much I will get in as the supplier is sold out.